
Machine Learning for High School Teachers (summer 2021)

Ended Aug 6, 2021
2 credits

Spots remaining: 15

Full course description

EE 5959-80 summer 2021.  Machine Learning for High School Teachers - Suresh Muknahallipatna.  July 26-29, 2021.  UW Engineering Education & Research Building, Laramie, WY.  This professional development workshop trains 8-12th grade teachers on how to incorporate machine learning concepts in the classroom.  The goal of this workshop is for each participant to return to their classroom with the skills and strategies to integrate mathematical and practical concepts of machine learning with confidence and purpose.  Participants will learn about the Wyoming State Science Standards (WYSS) and best practices for introducing artificial intelligence and machine learning in grades 8-12.  A variety of machine learning projects will be presented, as well as the scaffolding of instruction used in both classroom and afterschool program settings.  PREREQUISITES:  8-12th grade teachers in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Robotics, and Programming courses.  CRN 31354.